Tuo 'Tony' Gao
Vice President, 2017-2018
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Hello! My name is Tuo (Tony). I came from Beijing, the capital city of China, where ancient meets modern. While in high school, I was interested in science-related subjects and solving real-world problems, which led to my decision to pursue a degree in chemical engineering. I received my bachelor’s degrees in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities in 2016. After graduating from college, I decided to delve into science and engineering even further. Fascinated by the school’s location and culture, I joined UConn to pursue my PhD in chemical engineering. My current research project involves fabrication and performance evaluation of chemical sensors. In my spare time, I enjoy playing all kinds of sports, reading a nice book, and traveling.
tuo.gao@uconn.edu | |
Office Location | Bronwell Rm 312B |